Jenkinson: Captain John Banks

1st Battalion Rifle Brigade

John Banks Jenkinson was born on 9 June 1881 in London. He was the eldest son of Sir George and Lady Jenkinson of Eastwood Park, Falfield (now part of South Gloucestershire). Educated at Harrow School and Sandhurst, he was a career soldier. He joined the Rifle Brigade in 1899 and served in the Boer War. He became a Captain in 1908, was a General Staff Officer by 1912 and Brigade Major 3rd Infantry Brigade in 1913.

He landed at Le Havre on 23 August 1914 and entrained to Le Cateau. He was in action in the BEF retreat to the Marne and the subsequent advance to the Aisne. It was there that he was killed in action on 14 September 1914: he left a wife and two young children. His last words were said to be “Fight on”.

Captain John Banks Jenkinson is buried in Vendresse British Cemetery, which overlooks the valley of the River Aisne.

Following his death and that of his father nine months later, the Eastwood Park estate was broken up and sold. The house is now a Training and Conference Centre and a Women’s Prison now occupies part of the grounds.

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