Ireland: Private William Henry (7116)

1st Battalion Gloucestershire Regiment

William Henry Ireland poignantly died of wounds on Christmas Day 1914 near Festubert.

He was born at St Mary’s in Cheltenham and lived with his parents in All Saints Road. In July 1903 he enlisted in the 1st Battalion Gloucestershire Regiment and served with them for seven years. When war broke out he was recalled to service and sent to France on 27 August 1914. Two months later he was commended for his bravery in attempting to rescue his Platoon Commander who was lying wounded in No Man’s Land.

The wounds that ultimately took Private Ireland’s life were sustained on 21 December when he was engaged in action to retake trenches lost by the Indian Corps.

Private William Henry Ireland is buried in Lillers Communal Cemetery situated about ten miles to the west of Bethune.

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