Agg: Lieutenant Arthur William

Specialist List (New Armies)

Arthur Agg

Arthur William Agg was born in 1865, the eldest son of Colonel William Agg and his wife Beatrix, who lived at The Hewletts in Cheltenham. The family had been well connected with the Cheltenham area for over a century. His brother, Major F J G Agg served with the Yorkshire Light Infantry in the Great War and was awarded the DSO.
Arthur Agg married Eleanor Sara Harrison on 20 April 1899; she was the daughter of Colonel John Pryce Harrison of Charlton Kings. He was educated at Malvern College and at one time had been a Lieutenant in the 6th (Militia) Battalion of the Worcestershire Regiment. From 1902 to 1904 he was a member of Prestbury Parish Council and at one time was the commandant of the Andoversford Division of the Scouts. For a number of years he also served at a Justice of the Peace. Arthur and his wife lived at Foxcote House, Andoversford and had no children.

In October 1914 his administrative and community service background facilitated his appointment as the Recruiting Officer for the Cheltenham and North Gloucestershire District and his signature would have appeared at the foot of very many attestation papers.
According to the Cheltenham Chronicle of 8 April 1916, although considered to be in good health, he suddenly developed appendicitis and was operated on at the Royal Nursing Home. However this was to no avail and he died at about 10.30pm on Sunday 2 April 1916. He was aged 51.
His funeral took place, with full military honours, on 5 April and he was interred at Whittington Cemetery where a private stone cross marks his grave and also that of his wife Eleanor, who lived until 1946.

Researched by Graham Adams 6 July 2015

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